We would like to introduce Priyanka Yeolekar. Priyanka has her Masters degree of Physical Therapy in Neurosciences and as of August of this year, started her 3rd year with Motivate Therapy. The best way to describe Priyanka and her value to Motivate and our patients is to quote a recent testimonial: “I came to Motive because of my pelvic floor and pain in my right hip. When I laughed with friends and family I had to rush to the bathroom and change my underwear as I could just not hold my leakage. Also, every time I would stand from sitting, I would limp until my hip would go into place. I would have pain in hip when I would wake up in the morning. Now I can laugh without running to the bathroom! I do not have any pain in my hip. It feels wonderful! All the exercises given to me are doable and I feel confident I can do them at home. I am grateful for Priyanka and her professional demeaner and knowledge! Very comforting.” -Paula

What Do You Like Best About Working for Motivate?
The best thing about Motivate is teamwork and positivity! Everyone is friendly and approachable. We always look forward to improving the care we provide to the patient. I am grateful to be the part of this team!

What Do You Like to Do in Your Spare Time?
I love to keep busy with activities like cooking, painting, gardening, reading books, nature photography and exploring new places in my spare time.

#physicaltherapymonth #breastcanacerawareness #changestartshere

#wereinthistogether #freeconsults #motivatetherapy #pelvicfloortherapy

#occupationaltherapy #physicaltherapy #wholebodyhealth

#selfcarematrix #ourstaffrocks