Motivate Therapy Logo

Motivate Therapy is a leading clinic specializing in pelvic health, where Occupational and Physical Therapists work in tandem to provide a well-rounded approach to your outpatient rehabilitation needs.

We are dedicated to providing individualized selfcare solutions for chronic health conditions.

Ignoring the signals of pain, leakage or urgency will only lead to more problems. 

Your mindset, attitude and daily beliefs make all of the difference between surviving vs thriving. Change is possible. It takes commitment and practice to counter-balancing your life, creating new healthy habits.

One on one, 60 minute “SelfCare is Health Care” coaching with Denise Nichols. 

Together, we will write, review and update your SelfCare goals as often as you need.

Our Services

Please click on the topic you’re interested in to explore and learn more.
Embrace the change your body is begging for. Take action today.

Female Pelvic Pain

What are the most common causes of pelvic pain in women?

Male Pelvic Pain

What are the most common causes of pelvic pain in men?

Bladder Dysfunction

Incontinence and urinary retention can cause social embarrassment and added morbidity, such as infections, stones, or renal injury

Bowel Dysfunction

The symptoms of neurogenic bowel dysfunction comprise constipation and fecal incontinence. These have a major impact on quality of life & dignity.

Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Pelvic organ prolapse happens when the muscles and tissues supporting the pelvic organs become weak or loose. This allows one or more of the pelvic organs to drop or press into or out of the vagina or rectum.

Pregnancy & Post-Partum

Pregnancy (adaptive postures, ignoring pain) and birthing (damage to nerves and muscles) is beautiful and damaging all at once.

Orthopedic & Chronic Pain

Symptoms related to chronic health conditions, (any condition lasting longer than 3 months to one year), CAN be improved and maintained by you.

Post-Surgical Rehab

While it is best go through our therapy program before and after surgery it is never too late to deal with pain, scarring and movement problems related to surgery.

Whether you have symptoms right now, (or are simply scared that you may have to live with pads like your grandma), be proactive. Improve the quality of your life and your future. Re-connect with your mind and body through specific exercise and education to improve control of what is happening to you right now.

Patient Forms & Documents

Pelvic Floor Intake
Pelvic Floor Intake

Use the links below to fill out our online form through dochub or download to print.

Orthopedic & Chronic Pain
Orthopedic & Chronic Pain

Use the links below to fill out our online form through dochub or download to print.

Doctor Referral Form
Doctor Referral Form

Use the links below to fill out our online form through dochub or download to print.

Embrace Change.

We are not checking out of this life physically healthy and vibrant. Embrace aging gracefully. With knowledge comes power to choose how you age. Age smart with our online education opportunities.

This is the reason why we provide an Online Services & Education Center for individuals who favor it.


Create new healthy habits that support your needs today


Change Starts Here