If you expect a long life out of your muscles then treat them right. Balance strengthening your joints and core with releasing them with stretching, foam rolling, trigger point releasing, chiropractic care, and massage therapy. There are so many options. Selfcare means listening to your body on a daily basis -not just attending the monthly coffee with the girls or the guys.
You do not need expensive equipment to get a great, balanced selfcare routine for your physical health at home. Using a tennis ball or All ball (like the one I am using) you can release many tight areas on the body. The trick is paying attention to the breath, not the pain, surrender into the bed and the breath.
#happyjuly #letfreedomring #motivatetherapy #occupationaltherapy #physicaltherapy #pelvicfoortherapy #pelvichealth #education #wereinthistogether #selfcare #selfaware #healthyhabits \