What a year Motivate community! We have all had our share of ups and downs this year-personally and professionally. At Motivate we talk about embracing change as a core value, a way of life. Well, this year was certainly a lesson in that.

The difference between surviving and thriving is Adapting, change teaches us that. Anyone with chronic, long-lasting symptoms learns that, eventually. And just when those symptoms feel like too much and positive change impossible; a strong support system gives us the motivation to adapt.

We are blessed to work with each other-a team that loves working together, building each other up, and sharing in each others curiosity, positive energy, and wealth of knowledge.

Above all else, we are here to serve you. Each of us want to make a difference in this world, and our goal is to use our gifts, as a team, to that end. Seeing our patients lives changed; enhanced, inspired and thriving is what keeps us going. We will continue to adapt and thrive so that we can keep serving, learning, and growing.

From our family to yours- We wish you a very happy, healthy, safe holiday season filled with movement, fun, laughter, and food!

Your Motivate Team.