This month highlights breast feeding and gastroparesis awareness. Two topics we love at Motivate-things either no one likes to talk about, or has never heard about.
This week is BREAST FEEDING WEEK and the campaign this year is focusing on the “impact of infant feeding on the environment/climate change and the imperative to protect and support breastfeeding for the health of the planet and its people.” The theme “highlights the link between breastfeeding and the environment/climate change.” What an important topic! Please learn more and see what you can do to spread the word.
At Motivate, the “environment/climate change” that we can help you most directly affect during your breastfeeding time is your post-partum body. Relaxin is the name of a hormone that is flowing through your body while your body is making the very important, nurtrient-rich food for your baby (or babies). This can keep the joints of your pelvis loose and less stable. You may be more susceptible to pulling muscles or straining ligaments or tendons. So, a balanced exercise/movement program is important during this time period for breast feeding moms.
The#1 “environment” that you need to care for right now is YOU-or your body. If it fails you can’t be there for your family. So please pay attention to the signals your body is giving you and prioritize your selfcare. As a mother myself I know how difficult this can be.
Breast feeding posture is a very simple way to begin an awareness routine that will set you up with a healthy habit that will last a lifetime. While reading this; what are your shoulders doing? Are they up in your ears? Give them permission to relax? Notice the tension in your hands, your face-give them permission to release. How are you sitting on your butt bones? Try sitting directly over them with your chest directly over your pelvis and your shoulder blades gently drawn down your back as if they were head into your back pockets. Use a small pillow to support your low back and another one to bring baby up.
Positioning you and baby is key. Laying on your side is an alternative to always sitting. Use cushions and other supports based on what feels right and what works best for you and baby is all that matters. If you walk away with pain, tingling, numbness, or frustration-ask questions! Pelvic floor therapy after delivery is designed to help you learn new, and renew old, healthy postural habits.
#breastfeedingmonth #postpartumhealth #WBW2020 #freeconsults #motivatetherapy #pelvicfloortherapy #occupationaltherapy #physical therapy #wholebodyhealth #selfcarematrix #education #breathe