During this time of change and uncertainty why not use it as an opportunity to grow and move forward in your health and wellness journey.

Male pelvic health is crucial for all aspects of your life. Your pelvic floor muscles control bowel, bladder and sexual function. The muscles, as well as the organs and tissues that connect to your pelvis, do not always age gracefully with us. Special attention given to your pelvis and back can truly change your life. Addressing the whole body; physical health as well as mental, emotional, social and spiritual health is the best way to ensure a well -rounded selfcare plans that sticks.

This month let’s explore tips and tricks that will empower you to take control of your pelvic health through education and awareness.

But we MUST be willing to talk about it! Nothing changes if nothing changes.

Startling facts: https://blog.capterra.com/25-startling-mens-health-stats-f…/
• Causes of erectile dysfunction include heart disease, obesity, tobacco use, stress, and high cholesterol. (Source: Mayo Clinic)
• Prostate cancer is the 2nd leading cause of cancer deaths in men. (Source: Roper St Francis)
• Lack of preventative care means men die on average almost 5 years earlier than women. (Source: American Psychological Association) Tweet this!
• Each year over 230,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer and about 30,000 will die from it. (Source: Men’s Health Resource Center)
• The 3rd most common reason men don’t seek mental health help is they think they can handle the problem on their own. (Source: SAMHSA)
• Masculinity is negatively correlated with a willingness to take medication to improve mental health. (Source: Psychology of Men & Masculinity)
• Women are 100% more likely than men to visit a doctor for annual exams. (Source: Men’s Health Network)
• 5. 81% of men remember the make & model of their first car. Barely half remember their last trip to the doctor. (Source: Yahoo Health)
So lets step into June with an open mind, ready to learn, love and let go. Set a goal to move more or in different ways than your normal routine.
#menshealthmonth #motivatetherapy #pelvichealth #pelvicfloortherapy

#physicaltherapy #occupationaltherapy #education

#move #letgo