In order to enhance current treatment techniques, Denise Nichols, OTR/L and Lisa Edwards, MOTR/L, BSRS attended the Visceral Manipulation I course in April which focused on viscera and organs in the abdomen. They plan on attending Visceral Manipulation II in January of 2016.

Motion is a sign of life. Everything in the universe is in a constant state of motion and humans are no exception to this rule. Our bodies need movement to be healthy and the same applies to every structure in our bodies including the connective tissue of the viscera (the organs in the chest, abdomen, and pelvis). For an organ to be healthy and function optimally there needs to be motion of its connective viscera fascia.


When tissues lose their normal motion they become inflamed and immobile. The natural healing process involves local disruption of normal fibers and replacement with inelastic granular (thickening) tissue resulting in decreased mobility of the viscera.

The motion of the viscera fascia that surrounds our organs can be palpated by a trained therapist’s hands and manipulated with motions of pushes and pulls of the fascia. It is performed on dry bare skin with no oils or creams. Treatment is dictated by the client’s body and what it tells the therapist it needs. Changes in visceral fascia can improve range of motion, activities of daily living, sleep patterns and quality of sleep, energy levels, reduction in pain and tolerance and overall well-being.



By Lisa Edwards, MOTR/L