Please post this quote up somewhere that you can see it everyday. We all need this reminder from time to time, if not daily.
For those who do not know my story, I have struggled with a chronic, neurological illness for over 5 years. I understand core weakness intimately now. This exercise may not look like a ????strengthening exercise but it addressed what we call “functional mobility.” It is SO challenging to me, a self-confessed “weakling,” at this stage in my journey, but it is also very challenging to our more athletic patients.
????It addresses both flexibility and core strength functional movement patterns; it looks like walking right? Or maybe getting up and down off of the floor, reaching to pick up baby, feeding your dog, changing a tire, or picking weeds.
The point is any BODY can exercise (AKA “move”), and still live and function no matter what life throws at you, given the right support. Given the team to help you adapt and modify. You CAN carry the load given you, but do not expect to do it alone. You are never alone, ????But your ARE enough.
Change Starts Here.