A primary skill of occupational therapists is the ability to utilize activity analysis where we examine the demands of tasks and how a patient performs them. We then identify either environmental barriers and/or unhealthy habits that if changed could improve upon the client’s performance. Through education we bring awareness to these adverse behaviors and promote improved functioning.

For example: An individual struggling with urinary urgency tends avoid drinking water due to fear of leaking or living in the bathroom. We call this “fluid restricting.” This deprives the body’s tissues; it’s organs, connective tissues, ligaments, joints and muscles of much needed fluid. It can throw the body out of balance or “homeostasis. Signals such as leakage and urgency is the body’s way of crying out for help. Bringing awareness to this habit and the behavior change of intentionally sipping water throughout the day will help to improve this individual’s urinary concern.

Change Starts Here.