Your Body Needs You! Gift it the gift that counts.

Make a choice to move opposite of whatever you do for long periods of time (20 minutes or more). We have the tendency to stay rolled in a ball all day. Whether its bent over presents, a computer, phone, or patients; your neck, back and shoulders are begging for your attention.

“About 80 percent of adults experience low back pain at some point in their lifetimes. It is the most common cause of job-related disability and a leading contributor to missed work days….Sedentary lifestyles also can set the stage for low back pain, especially when a weekday routine of getting too little exercise is punctuated by strenuous weekend workout.” (…or a weekend warrior present wrapping session.)

So, if you are going to move and stretch throughout the day you might as well as make it count! Here are some stretches that will do just that. You are never too young too old, too fit or too unfit to benefit from these movements. Breathe, listen to your body, exhale.

Our bodies are so amazing. Our joints move in 3 planes of movement. Think bending forward and back, reaching side to side and rotating right and left. Yet the activities that tend to occupy the majority of our day often only require one or 2 directions, like slumped forward. So, the muscles whose sole job it is to live in those other planes tend to go sleep, shorten, tighten, weaken or not work as well in general.
If you are going to move and stretch throughout the day you might as well as make it count! Here are some stretches that will do just that.

You are never too young, too old, too fit or too unfit to benefit from these movements. Breathe, listen to your body, exhale. We have a tendency to hold our breathe while we stretch, especially the tight chest and trunk muscles, so BREATHE PEOPLE. This will also allow for the release of all the psychosocial and emotional tension building up in your mind and body since breakfast (or all of 2018).

Let it all go. The foam roll is great for just surrendering into the support. Let your body sink heavier and heavier into the roll. Open up your heart, chest and throat. Finally get up with objective awareness of any changes you feel. Re-enter your day calm, clear, collected and focused, (not to mention looking fabulous with re-aligned posture).

And though you never need a reason to self-care everyday, as we enter a New Year remember to bring these gifts with you.

The Gift of Water
The Gift of Movement Breaks
The Gift of Gut Health
The Gift of Post-Wrapping Stretches

Accept your moment and allow others to have theirs.
Have a most fabulous, peaceful, healthy, and joy-filled holiday ever!

The Motivate Team
December 2018