What makes Motivate unique?
If Physical Therapy is the study of the science of movement, then Occupational Therapy is the study of the purpose of movement. A truly integrative approach with the emphasis on returning to function and quality of life, blends both. At Motivate we use a collaborative team approach, combining evidenced-based research from every field. We educate and empower through awareness of habits and behaviors and then combine that with tissue health and core length and strength movement programs, designed with you on a session by session basis. You leave your session, every time, with new selfcare solutions.
We get it. We understand diagnoses like prolapse, Interstitial Cystitis, chronic back pain, hip impingement, or post-prostate pain and leakage. We personally understand what it is like to not feel heard or respected while walking the path of chronic illness. We understand the challenges new moms face. We successfully treat male pelvic floor issues every day. You are not alone.
Our unique strategic system works. We help you develop Selfcare Solutions unique to you, not just home exercises, combined with continued resources and support, so that you can maintain lifelong success. We are here to guide you towards your whole-body healing potential. But you must “show up” and have the mindset to succeed, knowing we have your back. We offer multiple ways to help you achieve your goals.
Change Starts Here.